Risk-assessment and Victim-support Recommendations During the COVID-19-related Lockdowns
Title: Risk-assessment and Victim-support Recommendations During the COVID-19-related Lockdowns
Authors: Joachim Kersten, Catharina Vogt, Michele Burman, Jarmo Houtsonen, Norbert Leonhardmair & Paul Herbinger
In: Improving Frontline Responses To Domestic Violence In Europe (2021)
Published: 2021
Full Text: Available Here
Kersten, J., Vogt, C., Burman, M., Houtsonen, J., Herbinger,P., Leonhardmair, L. (2021). Risk-Assessment And Victim-Support Recommendations During The Covid-19-Related Lockdowns. Improving Frontline Responses To Domestic Violence, 81.
This chapter covers the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the incidence and severity of domestic abuse cases in Europe. First, the manifestation of the COVID-19 lockdown and its adverse effects on private life are described. Building upon this description, co-occurring risks factors with a high potential to initiate or intensify domestic abuse (e.g., cramped living conditions) are discussed. Responding to various calls on investigating the impact of COVID-19 on domestic abuse incidents, IMPRODOVA research on the first lockdown shows that the related concerns for various reasons are inconsistently reflected in domestic abuse-related statistics. In some IMPRODOVA partner countries, however, victimisation numbers went up, after the lockdown ended. Consequently, the complexity of detecting domestic abuse cases during lockdowns are discussed. In line with the strong concern about intensified victimisation, innovative responses by front-line professionals to detect and manage domestic violence and abuse cases are presented. Building on the beforehand presented assumptions, findings and explanations, the chapter closes by highlighting eighteen recommendations regarding risk assessment and victim support during pandemics.