Monika Mokre, PD Dr


Research Fellow

phone: +43 51581 3314



Studies of Political Science and Communication Research at the University of Vienna. Since 1991 research fellow at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), since 2009 senior researcher at the Institute of Culture Studies and Theatre History of OeAW; lecturer at the Institute for Cultural Management and Cultural Studies at the University for Music and Performing Arts, in the program “Cross-Disciplinary Strategies. Applied Studies in Art, Science, Philosophy, and Global Challenges” at the University of Applied Arts, and at Webster University Vienna; member of the Executive Committee of ROR-n, Refugee Outreach & Research Network chairwoman of eipcp, european institute for progressive cultural policies; member of the editorial team of; member of the Center for Research on Democracy and Law, Department of International and European Studies, Thessaloniki; chairwoman of the Works Council of the Austrian Academy of Sciences; member of the solidarity group for an Austrian prisoners union. Political activist in the fields of asylum, migration and prison.


Research focus

  • Democracy and Democratic Theory

  • Asylum and Migration

  • Prison and Societal Exclusion

  • Cultural Politics

  • Gender Studies

 Recent Publications


Befreiungswissen als Forschungsprogramm. Denken mit Heinz Steinert. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot 2022 (Ed. Jointly with Andreas Kranebitter, Arno Pilgram, Veronika Reidinger, Christoph Reinprecht and Karl Reitter)

Gefängnis, Ausschluss und Gerechtigkeit, in: Andreas Kranebitter (Eds.): Befreiungswissen als Forschungsprogramm, 190-205.

Die Stadt als Stätte der Solidarität. Wien: transversal 2021. (Ed. jointly with Niki Kubaczek)

Solidarität als Übersetzung, in: Jens Kastner und Lea Susemichel (Hg.), Unbedingte Solidarität. Münster: Unrast 2021, 193-206.

Deliberative Democracy, Under-Represented Groups and Inclusiveness in Europe, in: Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 34:5 (2021), 633-637, DOI: 10.1080/13511610.2021.1996975 (jointly with Sergiu Gherghina and Sergiu Mișcoiu)

If no vote, at least voice? The potential and limits of deliberative procedures for the creation of a more inclusive democracy, in: Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 34:5 (2021), 712-728, DOI: 10.1080/13511610.2021.1995334 (jointly with Tamara Ehs)

Staging Participation. Cultural Productions with, and about, Refugees, in: AmeriQuests Vol. 16 No. 1 (2021): Cultural and Artistic Participation of Migrants: A Pathway Towards Sociopolitical Integration. (jointly with Christoph Leitgeb).

Agency and Tutelage in Forced Migration. Ror-n Platform Vol. 02(1).ISA, IIS, IKT 2020. (Ed. jointly with Leonardo Schiocchet and Christine Nölle-Karimi)

 „Young Strong Men Should be Fighting“ Zur Vulnerabilität gefüchteter junger Männer, in: Josef Kohlbacher and Maria Six-Hohenbalken (Eds.), Vulnerabilität in Fluchtkontexten, Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2020, 17-32.

 „Alle Wissenschaft wäre überflüssig…“. Zu Marx’ Tiefe, in: Dorothee Kimmich und Sabine Müller (Eds.) Tiefe. Kulturgeschichte ihrer Konzepte, Figuren und Praktiken, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020, DOI:, 201–222

The Language of the hegemon: migration and the violence of translation, in: Federico Italiano (Ed.), The Dark Side of Translation. Abingdon 2020, 38-56.

Kampf der Kulturen – Kampf der Kulturpolitiken?, in: Michael Wimmer (Ed.), Kann Kultur Politik? – Kann Politik Kultur? Warum wir wieder mehr über Kulturpolitik sprechen sollten. Berlin 2020, 292-303.

Der Ausnahmezustand im Ausnahmezustand. Gefängnisse zu Zeiten von Covid-19, in: juridikum 3/2020, 292-301 (jointly with Stephan Vesco)

Deliberation against Participation? Yellow Vests and Grand Débat: A Perspective from Deliberative Theory, in: Political Studies Review 2020. Online First. (jointly with Tamara Ehs)