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SIAK Journal: »Rights of Child Victims and the Role of the Police«

Authors: Daniela Amann, Marion Neunkirchner

The final publication on the E-PROTECT project was recently internationally published in the SIAK Journal 2020. The publication entitled "Rights of Child Victims and the Role of the Police" deals with how the police can contribute to making the justice system in Austria more child-friendly.  


How can the police contribute to making the justice system in Austria more child-friendly? Children who have been victims of violence need special attention and appropriate measures in order to be effectively protected from secondary and repeated victimisation. The police, in its function as the first point of contact, is a key actor in ensuring this protection. The article discusses the role of the police in safeguarding the rights and needs of child victims. First, the legal framework of individual assessment is described, followed by practical challenges of implementation. Finally, the project results are used to propose concrete possibilities for improvement in police practice.

This article was written within the project "Enhancing the Protection of Children-Victims of Crime" (E-PROTECT). The project is funded by the Justice Programme of the European Union (2014–2020) under Grant Agreement No. 760270. The content of this publication reflects the views only of the authors and is the sole responsibility of the authors. The European Commission accepts no responsibility for the use that may be made of the information contained therein.